Today, the hair loss is a serious growing problem that affects about 30 million American women of all ages. Each month, our hair grows at the rate of about half an inch, and each stage has a hair growing from two to six years. After that, the hair remains for some time, then proceeded to fall, and it fed the follicle begins growing a new strand as part of an ongoing cycle.
Female pattern Hair Loss
In women, medical professionals refer to this as , female hairloss pattern of a broad term that indicates that many other causes are also linked to this condition. These include other enzymes, molds, and hormone receptors. Because it is diffuse, female pattern baldness near the top of the head, and the receptor sites of the enzyme and hormone vary across the scalp.
Other causes of hair loss female pattern policístico include ovarian syndrome (a female hormone). Some autoimmune disorders can cause inflammation of the scalp and the hair comes out in patches or groups. Women 'structures of natural growth of hair s can also be altered by severe emotional trauma, childbirth, crash diet, anemia, thyroid conditions, certain medications and surgery.
Since the causes are varied, it is essential for women who suffer hair loss for a significant correct diagnosis of their condition and to find the underlying medical problem to be addressed initially. This is often done with blood or when it becomes necessary, a biopsy of the scalp.
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