Achieving perfect braid hairstyles is an art but keeping these styles looking terrific is even more so. Many factors can damage your hair if you don’t take steps to protect it. Two of the most damaging factors are those from sweat and the resulting salt build-up when sweat evaporates.
If left unchecked, you hair can start to break off over time, shed, or become dull and dry. Exactly the opposite of the healthy, lustrous locks of which you dream! However, with just a few preventative steps, you can keep your hair looking terrific.
What is the first step? Your first step to be sure that your braids are the right tension. Too often, braiders think that they should make braids as tight as possible so that the braids stay in place. Nothing could be further from the truth!
When braids are too tight, not only are they uncomfortable, but it also stresses the hair and can contribute to breakage. Instead, strive to keep the braids at medium tension. This is enough to keep your braids neat but does not put the hair under undue stress.
Next, having the right shampooing routine is important. A great benefit of braid hairstyles is that you don’t have to wash your hair as often as you might with other styles. A good practice is to shampoo your hair once a week or every two weeks to keep your hair and scalp clean.
The most effective way to shampoo braids to use a diluted clarifying shampoo applied directly to the scalp and massaged in with your fingertips. An alternative is to use a braid shampoo and spray it onto your scalp. It is important that you carefully massage the shampoo into the hair to loosen up any dirt or oils that may be present.
After shampooing, be sure to wash your hair thoroughly and allow your braids to dry completely.
A critical key to keep your braids looking good is to keep them moisturized. A moisturizing braid spray can help your hair maintain its moisture and sheen. Every once in a while, try massaging your scalp with some natural oils like almond, avocado, jojoba or avocado oil. It will feel good!
After shampooing, you can also try a deep conditioning treatment with a conditioner made with natural coconut oil or Shea butter. Not only will your hair be moisturized but it will end up smelling great.
Before you go to bed at night, be sure to protect your style by wrapping up braids with a silk-like bonnet or scarf to prevent the friction from hair rubbing as you sleep.
The above tips might seem small, but they can make a big difference when it comes to keeping your braid hairstyles looking good and keeping your hair healthy.
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