Saturday, February 28, 2009

2009 choppy hair for women

choppy haircuts for women
red choppy hair
girls multi-choppy hairstyle with different colors
color multi-choppy hair
blonde purple choppy haircuts
emo blonde purple choppy haircuts
short black choppy haircuts
short black choppy haircuts
cute short red black choppy hair style
cute short red black choppy hair style
short blonde choppy hair style
short blonde choppy hair style

Friday, February 27, 2009

Short white blonde blue hairstyle 2009

cute short blue blonde white hairstyle picture.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jennifer Love Hewitt's hairstyles

pictures of Jennifer Love Hewitt's hairstyles
Jennifer Love Hewitt looks great in all of them, long hair, short hair, dark, light, it seems it doesn't matterClassic Breakfast at Tiffany's hair! Jennifer follows the classic style of Audrey Hepburn. Short bangs and an updo, looks like a French twist.
Jennifer Love Hewitt French twist
Jennifer Love Hewitt French twistJennifer with red auburn hair highlights
Jennifer with red auburn hair  highlightsJennifer Love Hewitt with short black curly hair. Possible wig! Still, she can wear it! It has a perfect 1920's feel to it. Love the drop earrings with the short hair
short black wave hairstyle
short black wave hairstyleJennifer Love Hewitt with long black hair. Looks a lot like Courtney Cox's hair in this photo.
long black hairstyle with side swept bangs
long black hairstyle with side swept bangs

Monday, February 23, 2009

Trend Wedding Hairstyles In 2008-2009

wedding hairstyles,hairstyles,Bridal hairstyles,wedding hair style,prom hairstyle
wedding hairstyles,hairstyles,Bridal hairstyles,wedding hair style,prom hairstyle
wedding hairstyles,hairstyles,Bridal hairstyles,wedding hair style,prom hairstyle

Hayden Panettiere hairstyle

long blonde hairstyle with left side swept bangsHayden Panettiere's haircut with side-swept bangs
Hayden Panettiere's hairstyle with side-swept bangs and blonde highlights.
Hayden Panettiere's hairstyle with side-swept bangs
pictures of Hayden Panettiere cute long wave hairstylecute long wave hairstyle
beautiful Hayden Panettiere pictures
beautiful Hayden Panettiere pictures
Hayden Panettiere beautiful long blonde hair style
Hayden Panettiere beautiful long blonde hair style
Hayden Panettiere

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jessica Simpson long hairstyles

Jessica Simpson pictures of her long hairstyles. long sleek hair, long wavy hair,beautiful wedding hairstyle
Jessica Simpson long white straight hairstyle
jessica simpson pictures
Jessica Simpson long wave hairstyle
Jessica Simpson long blonde hairstyle
Jessica Simpson long blonde hairstyle
Jessica Simpson long sleek haircuts
Jessica Simpson long sleek haircuts
Jessica Simpson wedding hair style
Jessica Simpson beautiful wedding hair style
Jessica Simpson beautiful wedding hair style

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Charlize long blonde hairstyle

Charlize long blonde hairstyle
I think Charlize looks best with short hair, but this is an easy hairdo, straight with bangs, that most women and most face types can wear.
A nice golden blonde to pep up winter. But be careful if you choose this color, a LOT of upkeep and can get a little brassy.
Charlize long blonde hair style
Charlize long blonde hairstyle
Charlize blonde hairstyle
Charlize Theron Sexy Pic

Friday, February 20, 2009

Short summer bob haircuts 2009

short summer bob with bangs
Short summer bob haircuts 2009
the red hair highlight is awesome,make this bob more beautiful/
Darling modern bob and what makes this so cute is the longer wisps on the side. Very stylish and can be worn more than one way.

Emo music

About Emo Music

Emo music is something that is rather ambiguously defined. It can be something that has heavy punk chords and influence such as what we've heard from the Sex Pistols, but it can also be something with soft melodic characteristics like what we've heard from the Cure. This is why emo is such a hard concept to define. It is an expression of emotion in some way.

Emotions can vary from angry to sad to happy, and emo music is an expression of those experiences as well as their range. When it comes to the emo music scene, there are many bands that may claim to be the founders of the cultural movement. However, you would have to look across the pond to gloomy England to find the real Kings of emo music. The Cure have been going strong now for over 20 years, writing songs that could make any 16 year old boy break into tears, even the football players. Their catchy guitar riffs and honest, emotional vocals have been mimicked by almost every emo artist to date. Another band from across the pond that has definitely influenced the emo music scene is Depeche Mode. They might be a primarily electronic band, but their moody lyrics and loner style has crept into every facet of the emo scene.

In recent years emo music has even moved away from the punk sound and many bands are starting to adopt more electronic elements to their sound. Death Cab for Cutie is a perfect example, whose lead singer Ben Gibbard also fronts the entirely electronic project the Postal Service. Emo Music is becoming very popular among teens.

Emo music got its roots from punk rock and the infusion of indie rock. The genre developed in the early 1980’s arguably from such influences as the Cure and Sunny Day Real Estate. In the 1990’s one example of Emo bands would be Fugazi or Texas Is the Reason. Texas Is the Reason is a more indie version of Emo while Fugazi is certainly punk. While a band like Modest Mouse might easily be mistaken for an Emo band because they are punk influenced, highly emotional, and extremely fashionable, they are not Emo. The reason is that their lyrics are more metaphors than straight forwardly emotional lyrics.

Lyrics that talk about crying in despair after a death in the family are Emo. The second lyrics do not leave the listener to wonder what is being expressed. The desert could be a reference to drying out from alcohol abuse or it could be a metaphor for death or bareness. Because there are different styles of Emo music such as emocore and screamo, what is Emo music is an ambiguous definition.

Loosely defined, Emo music is music that is highly emotional and very straightforward in the expression of that emotion. However, Emo music could be as potent and raging as something like what we hear from Suicidal Tendencies. The screaming anger and aggression that comes from Suicidal Tendencies is emotional just like Cat Power, but the delivery is much different. The important overarching theme here is in potent Emotions. Some of the contributions to the Emo scene in the last ten years have come from such artists as: Further Seems Forever, the Promise Ring, Benton Falls, or Army of Ponch.

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What is emo

Emo is a genre of music that originated from hardcore punk and later adopted pop punk influences when it became mainstream in the United States.

It has since come to describe several variations of music with common roots and associated fashion and stereotypes.

In the mid-1980s, the term emo described a subgenre of hardcore punk which stemmed from the Washington, D.C. hardcore scene. In later years, the term emocore, short for "emotional hardcore",was also used to describe the emotional performances of bands in the Washington, D.C. "Revolution Summer" movement and some of the offshoot regional scenes such as Rites of Spring, Embrace, One Last Wish, Beefeater, Gray Matter, Fire Party, and later, Moss Icon.

In the mid-1990s, the term emo began to refer to the indie scene that followed the influences of Fugazi, which itself was an offshoot of the first wave of emo. Bands including Sunny Day Real Estate, Far and Texas Is the Reason had a more indie rock style of emo, more melodic and less chaotic. The so-called "indie emo" scene survived until the late 1990s, when many of the bands either disbanded or shifted to mainstream styles. As the remaining indie emo bands entered the mainstream, newer bands began to emulate the mainstream style.

Today popular bands like Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Panic at the Disco,and Paramore are rock bands that are identified as being in or evolved from the emo music genre.

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Pouplar Fashion Accessories

1. Headband(s)

Every woman needs at least one headband, but owning more than one is preferable. There are so many different colors, designs, textures and widths available for you to choose from. They can be worn with long or short hair in almost any single hairstyle.

2. Bangle Bracelets

Bangle bracelets are one fashion trend that seems to have remained the past few years. Whether you choose bangles made from wood, plastic or just about any other material, it is likely that they will look great with almost any outfit.

3. Cocktail Rings

Cocktail rings come in all different shapes and sizes. Generally, they are priced fairly reasonable, depending on where you purchase them, which is why you may want to consider buying more than one. They can be worn both casually and formally.

4. Boots With Fur

Whether you decide to purchase an expensive pair, such as Uggs, or you buy a cheaper variation, you will want to consider investing in a pair of boots with fur trim. Not only are they very worn, but they are also versatile. In the winter, they can be worn with jeans or sweats and in the summer, they can be worn with a skirt. There are also many different heights to choose from.

Shiny,Soft and Smooth hair

Bright Colors Are In Fashion This Summer

This should be the number one rule for spring, the sun is shining and you want to be shining too. So wearing bright colors is an added touch to compliment the spring season. Some of the popular bright colors for spring this year will be violet, teal green, sapphire and baby blues, fiery orange colors as well as neon yellows and other neon light colors. Of course don't walk down the street with a pink top and yellow skirt, unless you can really pull it off. Try wearing solid colors to compliment the neon and bright colors.
Floral Prints Clothes Fashion is Back!

What girl doesn't love flowers, especially flowers that do not die? Very popular these days are floral prints on all types of garments, from dresses, shirts, shorts, whatever you name it, you are bound to see a flower and floral prints on clothes in your favorite retail stores. This year's floral prints will be delicate and soft and give off a real feminine appeal and really create the true meaning of spring fashion.
Sheer Clothing & Fabrics

Everyone loves sheer clothing, because it is simply that sheer and sheek. However sheer fabrics are sometimes not the best type of fabric to wear alone, because of its translucent appeal. So many people will usually have a sheer top and wear it over an undergarment to create a fresh and soft spring look.
Americana Spring Fashion

America the beautiful, people love pride and showing pride in their country, and the best way to do that is actually wear a piece of garment that represents the American flag and American heritage. So you will see traditional stripes and celestial stars as well as red, white and blue colors mixed perfectly to create a perfect outfit and still get the message across.

Having soft, smooth, and shiny hair does not have to be difficult and expensive. Just follow these few simple steps and you will have beautiful and luxurious emo hair in no time.

First, brush your hair several times a day. Brushing helps remove the dirt, dust, and grime that get trapped in your hair. It also helps distribute the natural oils produced by the scalp, from the roots to the tips.

Shampoo your hair every other day and condition it everyday. Shampooing on a daily basis may strip off the natural oils that moisturize the hair. Conditioning it, on the other hand, restores lost moisture and keeps the natural oils in place.

Use cold water as much as possible when washing your hair. This seals the hair cuticles and locks the conditioner as close to the hair follicle as possible.

Give your hair a hot oil treatment once every two weeks. Mayonnaise or egg yolks can be used as an alternative to expensive salon treatments. Spread mayonnaise or egg yolks combined with olive oil all over your hair, concentrating on the ends. Cover your hair with a shower cap for 10-20 mins and then rinse well.

Eat lots of food rich in B-vitamins and proteins, like bananas, soybeans, avocados, eggs, grains, and red meat. The nutrients found in these food items are responsible for healthy and shiny hair.

Emo style

YES, the major difference between emos and scenesters are their attitude. But I don't believe all 'scene kids' have an original personality, as you say 'dont follow the personality'. Yea, they dont follow the emo personality. But they still have one they mostly all have.. they think highly of themselves.

Another difference is, emos are generally natured to black. Scene kids love colors. Rainbows, neon colors..anything and everything!(Although I see emos starting to like rainbows now..xD)

Another thing is the 'obsessions'. Emos love, mostly Jack Skellington, and such things as that. While Scene kids are more into the look of say, Sanrio characters, like Hello Kitty. And also, Gloomy Bear is a big thing for them.

While emos and scenes are close to each other, I think the difference is more than what it seems. It isnt just the personality, but the style too. The common thing shared among them is probably the hair. But scene hair is most definately BIGGER.xD

You should be able to tell the difference, on the spot, from an emo or a scene kid. Guys are harder to distinguish than girls most of the time. But see a guy with a lot of confidence and he seems like hed have a big mouth on him, wearing bright colors, and big sun glasses..I think its safe to assume hes 'scene'. While a guy wearing mostly black, quiet in the corner, walking slowly..well, thats emo. But even if an emo doesnt follow the personality, you can still tell them apart by the overall style.

Emo hair

Emo clothes

Emo Clothing

Emo is just a word. It loosely describes a group of people that are inspired by music, have an alternative dress sense but cannot be called Goths or Punks. Emo is a new sub-culture of fashion & being that draws influence from predecessors' best bits whilst retaining its individuality. Usually it's only parents that mistake an 'Emu' for a Goth.

Emos are similar to punks in that they are not apologetic about dressing differently, although you're probably less likely to get headbutted for offending one. One aspect of Emo culture Sohos loves is the friendships between them and the way they appreciate one other. Whilst some peer groups condemn someone for daring to change or look different, Emo friends appreciate each other's efforts to look wicked. Emo can be casual but bright; with contrasting colours and prints like a Nu-Punk Contrast, or can be darker, smarter and more sophisticated but with an elaborate edge.

The people involved in it didn't wake up one morning and think 'I want to be an Emo'. Emo isn't any particular fashion trend; it can be everything and nothing - its an attitude. Sohos has tried to capture the Emo feeling in this page. Sohos respects Emos for having the confidence to be unique and take pride in looking remarkable whilst others are content to fade into the background as they are afraid to take the risks to stand out in the way that Emos do.

Taking risks isn't without its risks though, obviously, Emos are marked as targets of abuse for being different. Some people have to stereo-type things to understand them, others want to bring it down to its base level and others want to destroy what is different. That's human nature.

Our signature thumby tops are great emo wear, with the discreet thumbhole detail allowing you to wear the sleeves low on the hands. Team with a skinny jacket with coloured piping, or browse for emo hoodies. Check out our range of wide and narrow jeans and choose a bright colour for stand-out emo style or a darker shade for a more introspective feel.


Just because the Weather is Grey and Dull doesn't mean that you have to be! Pick and choose something to brighten your mood and add colour and fun where ever you go.

Sohos Fall 08 Emo Collection of Hoodies is about visually arresting colours, brain engaging images and aesthetically appealing patterns. It includes wicked muted & subtle hoods as individual preference of what people feel like wearing can change with mood or occasion

Emo Fashion Waranings

1 Don't tell people that you're Emo, or they will call you a poser. If someone asks if you are Emo, deny it.
2 The majority of your friends and society in general will probably look down on you because of your style choice. If so, just ignore it or explain to them that it's just your style and it doesn't make you any less of a person. emo girl
3 Do not slit your wrists. People who do do this are most likely suffering from depression, and the habit should not be taken lightly. Whoever came up with the idea that all emos slit their wrists is a very close-minded person. Emos are emotional and are not afraid to share their pain and experiences. A lot of emos also may be uncomfortable with talking and thus resort to cutting to show their pain--this is NOT a trend, and depression is NOT an accessory.
4 Avoid scenes that promote pain or self-injury in general.
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